Science popularization
March 2024: The lab participated at the STEM Frenzy in San Francisco to show chlorophyll fluorescence to young kids and introduce them to the fascinating world of photosynthesis
March 2024: Adrien talks about the role of photosynthesis in the ocean at the Night of Ideas organized by the French government in San Francisco
December 2023: Listen to the podcast Eat your Greens, where Adrien talks about algal photosynthesis and how important it is for sustainability
April 2023: For French readers, check out the various discussions Adrien has with journalists on the important of photosynthesis and microalgae for our lives and the life events that led him towards studying microalgae:
September 2022: Check out the Science popularization made at the Planet Learning Institute by Adrien
December 2021: Check our latest article for students made with the amazing team of Science Journal for Kids
November 2021: The lab went to the Cal Academy of Science to talk about photosynthesis, fluorescence and bioluminescence to the general public! A fun experience at this fantastic event called Nightlife!
A science popularization video on microalgae and hydrogen production.
December 2021: Check our latest article for students made with the amazing team of Science Journal for Kids